Program Details
Blue Ribbon Quest for Educators
We support the professional growth of Educators in the essential foundation areas: Emotional Intelligence and Motivational Communication skills.
Whether or not your school is currently questing for the Blue Ribbon award, what is of paramount importance is that each educator has a personal quest to reach his or her own highest and best.
That requires supplying each educator and support personnel with the best information available using the best possible delivery method for ease, accessibility, retention, and implementation.
LifeKraft Institute supplies this training in three formats:
A. Daily Leverage Training
B. Online Seminars
C. Live On Location Workshops
A. Daily Leverage Training
This training is called “Leverage Training” because it works to supplement and augment the effects of good teaching. In study after study, conducted over the course of 25 years, Emotional Intelligence training has been proven to be effective to raise test scores and improve retention, even in high-risk students. It has also been proven to reduce the incidences of behavior referrals, reduce bullying, improve the overall condition of the classroom environment, and therefore, reduce the potential of violence, thereby improving safety. In other words, it leverages the positive impact of the work of educators.
This three-day per week training is delivered as a 10 minute audio message. Our intention is for this training to be heard in the mornings, delivered each morning individually to every educator, staff member and administrator via email or school messaging system so that it may be reviewed again when desired. It may also be delivered on the Public Address system prior to the arrival of students each morning.
This unique trademarked learning system creates an interval training which has the effect of improved retention and improved engagement. Every week, a new activity is introduced for the classroom experience, not as a separate curriculum, but as a learning experience embedded into current course content. Students will learn curriculum based on a 9-Level system over the course of the school year.
In addition to the daily audio training, LifeKraft Institute now offers a LIVE MONTHLY ONLINE Q&A WORKSHOP to augment Daily Leverage Emotional Intelligence/ Motivational Communication program, beginning with an INTRODUCTORY ONLINE WORKSHOP at the outset of the program. Teachers may listen and interact via telephone or computer, and gain credit for their attendance. And if Teachers attend all nine Workshops and listen to the audio delivery three times per week, they may earn 27 credits toward re-certification, in most schools, in an easy, embedded, usable format.
B. Online Seminars
LifeKraft Institute offers online accredited seminars for professional learning and re-accreditation. Seminars offered include, but are not limited to:
Advanced Emotional Intelligence Skills: 3-Hour Seminar
Training to go beyond the four major skills of Emotional Intelligence into cognitive therapy skills and skills for dealing with students identified as ADHD, ADD, PTSD and more.
Communicate to Motivate for Educators: 4-Hour Seminar
Explore how best to communicate to achieve desired goals, understanding how the sub-conscious mind works in students and peers. How to communicate best to get students to take responsibility, to make good choices, or to rise to a higher level of comprehension and retention.
Dealing with Difficult People for Educators: 4-Hour Seminar
Learn to work with personality types in a stress state, whether they are students, parents, staff, teachers or administrators. This seminar helps educators to accomplish their educational goals, despite obstacles.
C. Live On-Location Workshops
Liah Kraft-Kristine, J.D. and educators with LifeKraft Institute present informative, entertaining, and memorable seminars in the seminars offered online for educators. LifeKraft instructors will plan with you you to set up a day-long educational experience up to three times per year.
Currently, these topics are:
- Emotional Intelligence Training
- Advanced Emotional Intelligence
- Communicate to Motivate for Educators
- A Teacher’s Guide to Dealing with Difficult People
Audio Library
LifeKraft Institute is building a library of audio stories with teachers who would like to share stories about students, special encounters, or observations. These stories may share moments of insight, turning points, ultimate outcomes, resiliency, adaptation, altruism, or any other positive event that show emotional intelligence at work. These stories may be recorded by the teacher, or the teacher may be interviewed by Liah Kraft-Kristaine. These interviews show not only the various paths that can be taken, but the emotional skills that can form the foundation to achieve the best in life!